Pawan, F., Daley, S., Kou, X., & Bonk, C. A. (2022). Engaging online language learners. TESOL Press.
Pawan, F., Fan, W., & Pei, M. (2017): Teacher training & professional development of Chinese English Language teachers (ELTs): Changing from fish to dragon. Routledge/Taylor-Francis.
Pawan, F., Wiechart, K, Warren, A. & Park, J. (2016). Pedagogy and practice in online language teacher education: Oz Behind the Curtain. TESOL Press.
Pu, H. & Pawan, F. (2013). The pedagogy and practice of Western-trained Chinese English language teachers: Foreign education Chinese meanings. Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
Pawan, F. & Sietman, G.B. (Eds.). (2007). For all our students: Collaborative partnerships among ESL and classroom teachers. TESOL Press.
Journal Articles and Chapters
In-press/In progress:
Ramirez Casalvolone, N. & Pawan, F. (In progress). Ways of knowing on WhatsApp amongst Costa Rican female adult learners of English-as-a-Foreign Language.
Pawan, F., Li, B., Dopwell, M. B., Nijiati, S., Harris, A., & Iruoje, T. (2023). Culturally and linguistically responsive online teacher learning and professional development. Online Learning, 27(4). 171-200.
Pawan, F., Li, Z. & Zhou, J. (2022). Designing online ESL/EFL teachers’ professional development programs in Indiana and China: Crossing the river by feeling the rocks in the riverbed, 13(2), 55-69.
Pawan, F. & Wang, C. (2022). Practical Inquiry: Doing online and hybrid research using case study and ethnographic approaches. In K. Dikilitas & K. Reynolds, Research methods in language teaching & learning (pp.87-103). John Wiley & Sons.
Ding, A. E., Glazewski, K. & Pawan, F. (2022). Language teachers and multimodal instructional reflections during video-based online learning tasks. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 31, 1-20.
Pawan, F., Myers, R., Sankaranarayanan, R. & Miao, D. (2021, Dec. 1). Learning presence and the reconceptualization of language and literacy teachers’ online professional development. Online Learning Journal, 25 (4), 49-73.
Pawan, F. & Mokko, M. (2021). Working toward a reconceptualization of effective TESOL teachers’ professional development through “Personal Learning Networks.” Journal of Global Literacies, Technologies, and Emerging Pedagogies, VII, (1), 1335-1349.
Ding, A. E., & Pawan, F. (2020). Multimodal identity construction and stance-taking of technology-using language teachers. In B. Yazan & K. Lindahl, Language teacher identity in TESOL: Teacher education and practice as identity work. (pp. 83- 100). Routledge Taylor Francis.
Pawan, F. & Pu, H. (2019, February). Methods as interpretation and glocalization, not application: Water far away will not put out nearby fires. TESL-EJ, 22 (4). Retrieved from:
Pawan, F. & Pu, H. (2017). The empowerment and challenges of Western-trained Chinese English language teachers. Puerto Rican TESOL GRAM.
Pawan, F. & Greene, M.S. C. (2017). A matter of trust: ESL and Content Area teacher collaboration. The content-based classroom (pp. 232-337). A. M. Snow & D.L. Brinton (Eds.). Content-Based Language Teaching. Ann Arbor; University of Michigan Press.
Park, J. & Pawan, F. (2016). English-medium-language instruction happens! Korean professors’ efforts and professional development needs to teach content in English (pp.193-294). In J. Crandall & M. Christison (Eds), Research in ESL/EFL/EMI Teacher Education and Professional Development. Routledge/Taylor Francis.
Pawan, F. & Seralathan (2015) A. L. Moving on up! Using WIDA-based instruction for Indiana mainstream-ready ELs. INTESOL Journal, 12 (1), 29-50.
Pawan, F. & Fan, W. (2014). Individual and jiàoyánzŭ (peer) collaborative reflections on English language teaching. Teacher Education Quarterly, 41(4), 71-88.
Pawan, F. (2012): Research-based and collaborative professional development for language and content area teachers. Teacher Education Interest Section (TEIS) Newsletter. TESOL.
Samuelson, B., & Pawan, F. & Hung, Y.J. (2012). Barriers to collaboration between English-as-a-Second-Language and content Area Teachers. In A. Honigsfeld & M. Dove (Eds.), Co-teaching and other collaborative practices in the EFL/ESL classroom: Rationale, research, reflections, and recommendations, (195-207) Information Age Publishing.
Pawan, F. & Craig. A. (2011). ESL and content area teacher knowledge-base of English language learner (ELL) instruction. TESOL Journal, 2(3), 293-311.
Pawan, F. & Ortloff, J. H. (2011). Sustaining collaboration: Engish-as-a-Second Language and content area teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 27(2), 463-471.
Pawan, F. (2008). Content area teachers and scaffolded instruction for English language learners. Teaching and Teacher Education, 24(6), 1450-1462.
Pawan, F., Yalcin, S. T., &Kuo, X. J. (2008) Teaching interventions and students factors in online collaboration. In B. Barber & F. Zhang (Eds.), Handbook of research on computer enhanced language acquisition and learning (pp. 406-423). IGI Global.
Pawan, F. &Honeyford, M.S. (2008). Academic literacies and the new language learner. In R. F. Flippo& D.C. Caverly (Es.), Handbook of college reading and study strategy research. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Pawan, F., & Groff Thomalla, T. (2007). A responsive evaluation study of ESL/Spanish language services for newcomers. Journal of Ethnographic and Qualitative Research, 1, 50-63.
Pawan, F. & Ward, B. (2007). Integrated curriculum development through interdisciplinary collaboration between ESL and content area teachers. In F. Pawan & G. B. Sietmann (Eds.). For all our students: Collaborative partnerships among ESL and classroom teachers(pp. 5-30). TESOL.
Pawan, F., & Groff Thomalla, T. (2005). Making the invisible, visible, “A responsive evaluation study of ESL/Spanish language services for immigrants in small rural county in Indiana. TESOL Quarterly, 39 (4), 683-705.
Johnston, B., Pawan, F., & Mahan-Taylor, R. (2004). The professional development of working ESL/EFL teachers: A pilot study. In D. J. Tedick (Ed.), Second language teacher education: International perspectives (pp. 53-73). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Pawan, F., Paulus, T. M., Yalcin, S., & Chang, C. F. (2003). Online learning: Patterns of engagement and interaction among in-service teachers. Language Learning & Technology, 7(3), 119-140.
Pawan, F. (2003). Reflective teaching online. TechTrends, 47(4), 30-35.
Pawan, F. & Jacobson, A. (2003). Growing with the flow: Sustaining professionalism through online instruction of language teachers. In T. Murphey (Ed.), Extending professional contributions, professional development in language education series, 2, (pp. 67-78). TESOL.
Pawan, F. & Reed, D. (2003). Texas airport cookies: Pragmatic variation from an urban legend. In K. Bardovi-Harlig& R. Mahan-Taylor (Eds.), Teaching pragmatics. U.S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs.
Pawan, F. & Pugh, S. L. (2002). Reading for life. In G. Crosling & G. Webb (Eds.), Supporting students learning (pp. 111-118). Kogan Page Publishers.
Pugh, S.L., Pawan, F.,& Antommarchi, C. (2000). Academic literacy and the new language learner. In R. F. Flippo& D.C. Caverly (Eds.), Handbook of college reading and study strategy research (pp. 25-42). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum Publishers.
Pawan, F. (Producer). (1999).Storytelling: A cultural bridge [Video]. Instructional Support Systems: Indiana University Press.
Pawan, F. (1995). Malaysian and American professorial expectations of the literate reader. In C. Zaher (Ed.), The Second EFL Skills Conference (pp. 163-171). Center for Adult and Continuing Education, The American University of Cairo.
Pawan, F. (1993). Social and cognitive consequences of literacy in South East Asia. In J. Mohd. Ali(Ed.), The International Conference on Literacy in ASEAN Societies, (pp.194-198). Malaysian Reading Association.
Pugh, S. & Pawan, F. (1991). Reading, writing and academic literacy. In R. F. Flippo & D.C. Caverly (Eds.), College Reading and Study Strategy Programs (pp. 1-27). IRA.
Pawan, F. (1989). Literacy as a state of mind: Implications for students who are non-native speakers of English. Reading Research and Instruction, 28 (2), 61-64.