Doctoral Students

Natalia Ramirez Casalvolone (2022) - Funds of knowledge, feminist pedagogy and adult education. An ethnographic case-study of female students of Costa Rican Night High Schools (Colegios Academicos Nocturnos). (Chair)
Rajagopal Sankaranarayanan (2022) - Influence of microlearning approach on introductory database programming concepts. (Committee Member)
Maria A. Agee (2022) - Challenges that Kazakhstani people experience in learning English as an EFL: Building a conceptual instructional design framework. (Committee Member).
Jae-Hyun Im (2022) - Discursive construction of Filipina English teachers' identities in Korea. (Committee Member)
Emma Everson (2021) - Examining K-12 teachers' English learner legal knowledge and literacy: The impact of training, experience, and confidence. (Committee Member)
Faishal Zakaria (2021) - Online community of practice: Informal Indonesian teacher educators' professional development on Facebook. (Chair)
Leslie A. Smith (2020) - Second/Foreign language teachers' communities of practice in a summer camp: Investing in participation and gaining legitimacy and competency. (Committee Member)
​Yuran Wang (2020) - Examining synchronous hybrid English learning for children in rural China: A hybrid ethnographic study. (Committee member).
Shuya Xu (2019) - An online community of self-directed language learners at the MIXXER: An exploratory sequential mixed methods design study (Committee Member)
Ai-Chu Elisha Ding (2018) - Language teachers' reflection on technology integration through online text-based and video-based tasks (Co-Chair)
Crystal Howell (2018) - "I sing the body electric": Female sojourner teachers' experiences of embodiment in face-to-face and online teaching (Committee Member)
Remzi Kizilboga (2018) - Secondary teachers pedagogical practices in designing instruction in an urban "bring-your-own-device (BYOD) environment (Committee member)
Mika Moko (2018) - A qualitative multi-case study of ESL teachers' (ESLTs') professional development and their use of Personal Learning Networks (PLNs). (Chair)
Mateus Yumarnamto (2016) - Indonesian English language teacher’s professional growth and changing identities: An auto-ethnography and a narrative inquiry. (Chair)
Yi Chin Hsieh (2015) - The nature of peer-to-peer interaction in internet-supported collaboration (Chair)
Jae Han Park (2014) - Pedagogical knowledge of and needs for professional development and support for English-medium instruction of Korean university professors. (Chair)
Michelle C.S. Greene (2014) - Curricular agents: Adolescent immigrant students in a third-space-imagined community in the public school. (Committee Member)
Carmen Macharaschwilli (2013) - The skype-buddy model in an online environment: Patterns and perceptions of language teachers in a professional development program. (Committee Member)
Emilija Zlatkovska (2012) - Promoting social-constructivist pedagogy through using WebQuests in teaching EFL teachers in Macedonia: An exploratory study. (Chair)
Jeremy Ortloff (2011) - Toward a grounded theory of trust: Collaboration, trust and cooperation between ESL and Content-Area teachers in a secondary school. (Chair)
Stephen Smith (2011) - Qualitative perspectives of factors influencing community college students’ motivation to enroll in Chinese Foreign language programs. (Committee Member)
Pu Hong (2010) - Foreign education, Chinese meanings: The opportunities and challenges for Western-trained Chinese English language teachers. (Chair)
Mun-Woo Lee (2010) - Between two languages and two worlds: Identity of Korean early study-abroad undergraduates in the U.S. (Committee Member)
Ginger Sietman (2009) - Content-based English instruction in China: An ethnographic exploration of content-based English teachers’ challenges, knowledge and mediated learning. (Chair)
Peng, Jui-Ching (2009) - Peer assessment of oral presentations in EFL contexts in Taiwan. (Committee Member)
Pei Chuan Cheng (2008) - Peer-review impact: Integrating peer-reviews into a college writing class in Taiwan (Chair)
Hui-Chun Hsieh (2008) - The role of student-academic centers to promote autonomous EFL learning amongst Taiwanese university students. (Committee Member)
Ming-Fang Hsieh (2006) - My mom makes me to learn English: Power, system, instruction and quality of early childhood English language education in Taiwan. (Committee Member)