Minority Faculty Members as Overseas Travel Faculty Leaders and Mentors
(US Department of State)
Purpose: The overall focus of the funded project is the development of a cadre of minority faculty members to be mentors/role models in international engagement for minority students through Course development, Overseas travel, and to be Overseas travel Leaders and Mentors ( or in acronym, COOL Mentors).
Professional Development Designs & Models s in Education & the Global Workplace
(Title VI/subcontracted)
Purpose: The project engages participants in analyzing professional development designs and models from education and from the workplace in the U.S. and international settings. The project aims to situate professional development in the context of the need to "accelerate STEAM, digital skills, and sustainability considerations to further promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in a digitalized and globalized education and workplace environments " (World Economic Forum, 2019)
Culturally & Linguistically Inclusive Online Instruction. Indiana Governor Emergency Educational Relief Fund (GEER/subcontracted)
Purpose: To develop a self-paced online professional development course to support content area teachers through strategies and resources that the teachers can refer to as they design and implement their own instruction.
Transforming Teaching for Diverse Students Through Inclusivity & Responsiveness (CTER/BNU, Contracted)
Purpose: To develop an intensive synchronous and asynchronous professional development course for English-as-a-Foreign (EFL) teachers to support diverse students through reflective teaching, culturally and linguistically inclusive approaches, differentiated & scaffolded instruction.
TESOL Program Evaluation for Graduates and Undergraduate Students (Universiti Putra, Malaysia)
Purpose: To engage faculty and students in a participatory responsive evaluation of programs to prepare teachers to teach English-as-a-Second Language (ESL)
Beijing Normal University Pre-Service English Language Teacher Practicum (BNU, Contracted).
Purpose: To mentor preservice teachers in the teaching of English to students of diverse backgrounds.
Language teacher education for English teachers (pre-service) of ethnic minority students in China. IU’s President International Research Award. (IU)
Purpose: To collaborate with Yunnan Normal University colleagues on a study of ESL teacher preparation in Yunnan Province. The province is an ideal site as it has the highest number of ethnic group members among the provinces in China.
EFL Multimodal Project with Colegios Nocturnos de Naranjo & Palmares, Costa Rica: U.S. Embassy in San Jose, Costa Rica. (US Embassy)
Purpose: To engage students in using multimodal and blended platforms, to self-direct their learning and use their daily life experiences, resources such as peer groups, family, the media and others within the students’ immediate surroundings.
New Delhi, India, Virtual Academic Readiness Program for Indian College Students. (US Embassy)
Purpose: This project involves the development online courses that will engage Indian university students in courses that will provide an opportunity to improve their academic English Language skills to better prepare them for academic studies and future employment, as well as provide American university graduate students the opportunity to experience online teaching with Indian university students.
EFL/ESL Peace Corps Masters International Program (Online and Hybrid). The New Ideas Grant (SoE/IU)
Purpose: To provide embedded and sustained support before, during and after fieldwork, for Peace Corps volunteers to teach English-as-a-Second/Foreign Language.
English-as-a-Foreign Language Teacher Professional Development, Southeast European University, (SEEU),
Republic of North Macedonia. US Agency for International Development (Subcontracted).
Purpose: To assist in the establishment of the SEEU Center for English Language Training. This included developing and delivering an online professional development training curriculum for SEEU ESL staff, planning a summer seminar taught in R. N. Macedonia, and mentoring three SEEU faculty members as Graduate Fellows at IU. T
Indiana & Beijing Normal University Teacher Exchange & Research Project (OVPIA)
Purpose: To initiate teacher exchanges and dialogue between Indiana and BNU public school English teachers.
Professional development of Afghan English as Foreign language teachers. USAID. (Contracted)
Purpose: Intensive training for Afghan teachers in the EFL language teaching and assessment approaches.
The Pedagogy and Practice of Female Chinese English Language Teachers. Indiana University Office of Women’s Affairs. (OWA)
Purpose: To bring forth the voices of female Chinese English Teachers for an inside look into the “heat and light” of their profess
Classroom-based research into Turkish ELT’s knowledge base (OVPIA & BoÄŸaziçi University)
Purpose: A pilot research study to map Turkish EFL teachers’ knowledge base in a way that demonstrates both areas of unique expertise as well as areas requiring additional support. Will serve as a basis for collaboration to strengthen language teacher education programs in the U.S. and Turkey.
Research into English language teaching of ethnic minority students in Yunnan Province, China. (OVPIA)
Purpose: To undertake classroom-based research into instructional strategies used to teach English as a Foreign Language to ethnic minority students in Kunming, Xuanwei and Qujing in Yunnan Province. The province is an ideal site as it has the highest number of ethnic group members among the provinces in China.
EFL Teacher Mentoring , Cheng Chi University, Taiwan
Purpose: To mentor faculty from the Language Education Department in the development of content-based language teaching program and to participate as a keynote speaker at two of their Wenshan conferences.
Professional development of in-service English language teachers of ethnic minority students in China. (OVPIA)
Purpose: To collaborate with colleagues from Tsinghua and Beijing Normal Universities in studying the formal and informal process of professional development in China for practicing/inservice ESL/EFL teachers in ethnically-diverse and rural areas of China.
Responsive Evaluation of the Center for English Language Training, American University of Mongolia (AUM)
Purpose: To provide assistance to AUM's English Language Department to develop a responsive teacher evaluation system using the expectations of and resources available to its faculty and administrators. Responsive evaluation is a form of action research that utilizes issues and concerns of stakeholders as the basis for program evaluation. It also involves the stakeholders in planning for improvements
Interdisciplinary Collaborative Program. U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs. (US DoE)
Purpose: To provide and research 180 in-service ESL and subject area teachers opportunities to collaborate via three courses in instruction, assessment and bilingual/bicultural issues who had English learners in their classrooms. The collaboration sustains the support of simultaneous language and academic achievement.
Tandem Certification for Indiana Teachers (TACIT) Program (Face-to-face and online) National Professional Development Program. US Department of Education. (US DoE)
Purpose: To increase the number of Indiana ESL certified teachers by 20% and to research the collaborative process between teachers. TACIT supported 130 ESL and content area teachers to pursue graduate courses in ELL instruction at the IU School of Education for licensing as ESL teachers in Indiana (18 credit hours).
ESL Professional Communities (EPiC) for Expertise and Leadership Development. Indiana Commission for Higher Education. (ICHE)
Purpose: To develop leadership abilities amongst, to create a community of support for 24 teachers of English learners in the economically disadvantaged East Chicago and South Bend school districts.
Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Content Area Teachers (ICCATS) of English language learners. (IDOE)
Purpose: Research into and the preparation of Content Area Teachers (math and science) to teach English language learners.
ESL Professional Communities for Expertise and Leadership Development. Indiana Commission for Higher Education. (ICHE)
Purpose: To develop leadership abilities amongst, to create a community of support for 24 teachers of English learners in the economically disadvantaged East Chicago and South Bend school districts.​​